
A recent article from the Wyoming Tribune Eagle does a good job of answering a question we hear a lot: “What’s the hold-up?”

You can read the full article here.

Under new policies, the House Majority Floor Leader is able to hold the bill in his “drawer,” and is choosing to do so. As some of the quotes in the article show, there remains misinformation about how Medicaid Expansion would be negotiated and funded.

From the article:

“When you provide coverage, they can access care in the right place at the right
time,” Wyoming Hospital Association Vice President Josh Hannes testified in
committee. “The evidence from other expansion states demonstrates, particularly
for people with chronic conditions, they can see a primary care provider and they
can pay for medications, they can maintain their health, they can go to work.
Absent that, they show up in an emergency room, which is expensive, and an
inappropriate place for care.”

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