
Medicaid expansion would not only benefit tens of thousands of our Wyoming neighbors who currently lack access to basic healthcare. It’s also good for business.

Expanding Medicaid would:

  • lower business healthcare costs
  • support Wyoming’s healthcare industry and local economies
  • decrease medical debt
  • eliminate business tax penalties
  • create a healthier workforce

Healthy Wyoming has created a letter outlining all these benefits and more. 

We need your help asking members of Wyoming’s business community to sign onto the letter in support

Healthy Wyoming will distribute this letter to lawmakers and publicize it in advance of the 2022 legislative session.

Here’s what you’ll need:


Business letter + sign-on form

Short link (copy and paste): https://bit.ly/medicaidbiz


Business letter

Sign-on form


Here’s what to do:

STEP ONE – Find business owners

You probably know someone who owns a local business. (Maybe you own one yourself—in that case, sign the letter!)

Keep in mind that we want Wyoming businesses to sign on. So, skip big corporations like McDonald’s and Walmart.

If you can’t think of any business owners you know:

  • Ask a friend. Someone you know probably knows a business owner.
  • Check your local Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Business Alliance, or Small Business Association.
  • Print out the letter, along with some signup sheets, and take it to local businesses in person.

STEP TWO – The ask

Before you approach business owners:

Keep in mind: According to a recent poll, the majority of Wyomingites support Medicaid expansion. It’s likely the person you ask will be supportive. 

BUT: if the person you ask strongly opposes Medicaid expansion, don’t try to convince them. There are plenty of others to ask.

Here is some sample email language (below). Feel free to also include links to the FAQ, the poll, or Montana’s economic report.

Dear [business owner name],

My name is ________, I’m a volunteer with Healthy Wyoming. 

We’re asking members of Wyoming’s business community to sign onto a letter supporting Medicaid expansion. Will you add your name?

Here’s the link: https://forms.gle/tiPxXGWRdFFp9krZ7

Medicaid expansion would not only provide basic healthcare access for tens of thousands of our Wyoming neighbors. It’s also good for business. 

Expanding Medicaid would support Wyoming’s healthcare industry and local economies, decrease business healthcare costs, create a healthier workforce, and more. 

The Wyoming Legislature will vote on Medicaid expansion during the upcoming 2022 session. Healthy Wyoming will deliver this letter to state lawmakers in advance. 

We need to show lawmakers that Wyoming’s business community supports Medicaid expansion! Please sign on today!


[Your name]

[Your address]

STEP THREE – Spread the word

Our movement for affordable healthcare access will only succeed if we get as many people involved as possible.

Get your friends and family involved, tell them about the effort, and ask them to approach business owners they might know. 

Feel free to share the link to this blog post on social media or pass it around via email.

The majority of Wyomingites support Medicaid expansion. Let’s let the Legislature know it!

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About Healthy Wyoming

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