
There are more federal funds than ever for WY if we expand Medicaid.

The new federal incentives available for states that newly-expand Medicaid will equate to $54 million for Wyoming, which will pay for the state’s share of expansion and then some. This is on top of the federal government’s promise to pay 90% of the cost of expansion into perpetuity.

We are facing an unprecedented economic crisis and the federal government is giving us an unprecedented
opportunity to bring some of our federal tax dollars home to Wyoming.

The Wyoming Department of Health estimates overall net savings of $34 million State General Funds over the first biennium of expansion. The benefits outweigh the objections: Medicaid expansion would help us solve our budget deficit, support our small businesses, allow our low-wage workers to access health coverage and move us toward giving everyone an equal chance to be healthy.

It’s time to take a second look at Medicaid expansion in Wyoming. With 54 million dollars on the line and the chance to offer health coverage to 25,000 Wyoming residents, the game has changed.

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About Healthy Wyoming

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