
Wyoming families deserve access to affordable, quality healthcare. But right now, 19,000 Wyomingites are stuck in the “coverage gap,” meaning they don’t have jobs with health insurance, make too much money to get Medicaid, and don’t make enough to get help paying for insurance.

Join our movement to close the coverage gap to improve Wyomingites’ quality of life and our communities’ economic well-being.

Together, we can create a healthy Wyoming.

Closing the coverage gap benefits everyone.


Create good-paying jobs

Over the next five years, expansion could create 2,000 jobs and grow economic output by $1.5 billion. A thriving Wyoming will be more attractive to recruiting and retaining providers to live and work in our great state.

Improve our workforce

When people get the healthcare they need, they can find work, get job training, go back to school, hold multiple seasonal jobs, and stay employed if they have a health condition.

Protect Wyoming’s hospitals

Medicaid would be a lifeline for our rural hospitals. Medicaid expansion will drastically reduce the high costs of uncompensated care and bring down healthcare costs.

Support businesses

Medicaid expansion will help small businesses that can’t afford to provide health insurance. Businesses in every county, in every industry, and of all sizes will benefit when workers are covered by the program.

Help families

When individuals, especially those with low incomes, can get the healthcare they need, they can afford food and other basic necessities, catch health problems early, maintain employment, and have a better quality of life.


Testimonial: Surviving cancer in Wyoming (without insurance)


Have questions? We have answers.

Have questions? We have answers.
Read the FAQs

Say Yes to Medicaid expansion, healthier families, stronger communities, a better economy, a Healthy Wyoming

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